Welcome to BercherCeramicSupply.com
We are located at 1200 SE 89 Street in Oklahoma City
This website has just a sampling of what is available in the store.
Walk-in store hours are Monday - Friday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday and after hours by appointment.
We sell retail and wholesale to individuals, storefronts/dealers, schools, manufactures, senior centers and institutions.
Let us price quote your next new kiln.
Simply email bercherCer@aol.com
Featured Products
$4,750.00$3,795.00 -
$1,060.00$895.00 -
$3,100.00$2,475.00 -
$5,120.00$3,999.00 -
$1,287.00$995.00 -
$5,120.00$4,096.00 -
$2,525.00$1,995.00 -
$4,655.00$3,724.00 -